
The BSAC Dive Leader Course

Your next step after BSAC Sports Diver

To enrol on a Dive Leader course you must have successfully completed a Sports Diver course, other agency equivalent and have a nitrox qualification. You must also be aged 14 years or older.

Sports Divers aged between 12 and 14 can complete the elements of Dive Leader training that do not require diving deeper than 20m. The qualification is accredited  to the International Standard ISO24801-3 (2014) ‘Training for Dive Leader’.

Max. Diving Depth

Our experienced and certified dive instructors are passionate about sharing their love for diving while ensuring your safety at all times.

Two divers swimming through the sea.

Who is this course for?

This course is perfect for BSAC members who want to take a more active role in their club and/or become an Open Water Instructor.

Dive Leaders are key members of their BSAC clubs who are able to lead inexperienced and experienced divers to gain new experiences. They are also able to organise dives and have the skills to deal with situations where something unexpected may have occurred.


What will you learn?

Dive Leader has three core elements; leading inexperienced and experienced divers, dive management, and rescue management.

It is essential that Dive Leaders have adequate experience so before gaining the qualification you’ll need to have at least 60 dives in variety of conditions relevant to your local environment.


What does it include?

For divers who need refresher training, or those coming from another agency, there are also optional practical and theory lessons to ensure you are ready to progress.

The formal learning consists of five assessed theory modules, five open-water training dives and three practical lessons.

BSAC Dive Leader Qualifications

As a Dive Leader, you’ll be qualified to dive with divers of any grade to expand their experience and, within constraints, complete depth progression dives. You can also support trainee divers to practise skills they have previously been taught by an instructor. You’ll also be able to plan and manage diving at sites that are known to your BSAC branch.

After consideration of the various factors that impact on a dive, you’ll be able to brief the group, delegate activities and liaise with the skipper to ensure everything runs smoothly. On site you’ll be monitoring the situation, analysing what is happening, predicting potential changes and planning your response.

During the dive planning you’ll have prepared for the unexpected and will be ready to act as a rescue manager. You’ll be able to co-ordinate the response in order to ensure the best possible outcome.

A dive leader practising in the pool.

What diving experiences will this open up for me?

Introducing divers to new experiences and managing diving for divers in your club is hugely enjoyable – and of course the more experienced your fellow members are, the more fun you can all have.

Assistant Dive Instructors

Assistant Dive Instructors who qualify as a Dive Leader will be able to progress towards Open Water Instructor by completing the Open Water Instructor Course and the Theory/Practical Instructor exams.

A diver investigating a big wreck

Want to progress with other skills?

The BSAC Dive Leader course is your next step after Sports Diver.

Already got Sports Diver, Ocean Diver & Dive Leader and want to progress further? Whilst the above represent the core of training qualifications, we teach and learn most of the additional BSAC Skill Development Courses in the table below too.

A diver practicing the buoyancy trim