
Welfare Information

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A group of divers swimming around coral reef and fish
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RSAC Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Policy

This policy is based off the British Sub Aqua Club (BSAC) Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)
policy and the provisions of the Equality Act 2010. Richmond Sub Aqua Club (RSAC) adopts that
policy in full.

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Richmond Sub‐Aqua Club Safeguarding Policy

Safeguard children and vulnerable adults, both in and out of the water, for RSAC.

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The BSAC Buddy Guard Policy (Children and Young People)

BSAC takes its safeguarding duty very seriously regarding the safety and well-being of children participating in the activities of snorkelling and diving.

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RSAC Constitution

These Bye-laws shall regulate the structure, administration and activities of a branch of the
British Sub-Aqua Club to be known as Richmond Sub-Aqua Club Branch.

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RSAC Data Protection Policy

In order to administer the Club and ensure safe diving, RSAC has a Legitimate Interest within the terms of
the General Data Protection Regulations in holding certain personal data.

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BSAC Code of Conduct

The authority for this BSAC Code of Conduct is derived from the Articles of Association of the British Sub-Aqua Club.

Got more questions?

What is BSAC? Can I join if I'm under 18? What if I am PADI?
And many more answers.

What is BSAC?

Blue arrow pointing right.

I'm under 18. Can I dive?

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